Friday, May 8, 2009

Truman's Day

Today is Truman Day for the state. With the day off we are in southern Missouri with an agenda of pretty much nothing. Pretty nice actually.

Sneaked in a mountain bike ride Thursday evening before we left town. Castlewood had a a few spongy spots. But that didn't stop the horses or other mountain bikers from getting out to ride. This morning we did a cool 18 miles before the rains came through southern Missouri. Timed it pretty close to rain. Rolled in the driveway 5 minutes before the rain came and the tornado sirens went off.

If it clears up later I may go back out for a ride this afternoon. Quiet roads around the in-laws house, considerate motorists, but crappy pavenment. Guess two out of three isn't bad. Hopefully crank out another high mileage weekend like I did last weekend.
But high mileage is a relative term.

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