Friday, March 27, 2009

Making Laps

This past week I took a few days off. No reason to peak too early!

Did manage to get in a nice mountain bike ride this afternoon. His's and her's Rigs were present. I road legit today. Been riding with gears a lot in the past few weeks to give my knee a rest. Seems to be working. But today I couldn't resist the tractor beam pull of the Rig. I was able to redeem myself and beat Sara to the top of the Lone Wolf. It was due to my superior state of gearing. Although let the record reflect Sara managed just a fine on her Rig and climbed in a superior state of mind as well. Ended up with a good 14 miles of trail time. Not too shabby for two working stiffs who have a little one at home.

I'll miss another edition of the Rim Wrecker. Good luck to all those racing Sunday. Someday I'll make that event.

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